The meeting started with a welcome address by the Area President Gen Dahlan Al Hamad. He thanked all the members in attendance for taking time out from their busy schedule to be a part of this important meeting.
The Council was informed that the following former members of the Association had recently passed away. One minute of silence was observed in remembrance of the departed souls.
Eng.Suhail Al Zawawi ( Saudi Arabia)
Pol. Lt Col. (R) Siroj Pianskool (Thailand)
Madame Hajah Rejemah Haji Sheikh Ahmad (Malaysia)
Dr. Arun Mendiratta (India)
The President thanked the Area MFs for sharing their concerns and co-operating with WA in the development of a new WA strategic plan. The Council appreciated the fact that some of the Asian MFs have restarted their training and competition programs, they were advised to follow the precautionary protocols issued by Asian medical commission and their respective health authorities during the conduct of these events.
Mr. Hiroshi Yokokawa council member from Japan apprized the house about the progress and preparations that are underway for the forth coming Tokyo Olympics. The Council appreciated the outstanding efforts being made by the Japan Olympic committee and Japan Athletics Association in these testing times. The members wished good luck to the Asian athletes who had qualified to participate in these Olympics.
To update the AAA constitution and bring it in line with the WA constitution a number of constitutional changes were proposed by the AAA legal commission. The sport of Athletics is no longer limited to the activities of only “Track and field” hence, it was proposed that the scope of AAA must be enhanced and should now also include mountain & trail running, road races, wellness and fitness routines. The inclusion of these new chapters will bring in new type of athletes and physical culture enthusiasts under the ambit of Athletics. A code of ethics for the athletes and other members of AAA was also approved by the house. Permission was also granted for the establishment of an Executive Board which in line with the WA constitution. After lengthy deliberation in the house the proposed constitutional amendments were unanimously adopted by the Asian council.
The AAA Development report stated that the Area performed well during the past 6 months. All Area ADCs have developed a digital version of the courses or activities and these online webinars are now being offered to the Asian participants. The Asian Development Department have so far this year conducted 10 courses collectively at the 3 Area development centers. It is expected that face to face courses may be held at the ADCs by the end of the present year.
Gen Dahlan asked the members to move out of the political quagmire and work independently for the good of the Area. We must work for change and strive towards achieving a better future for Athletics.